Friday, July 4, 2008


As you can see from this week blogs, I think you all can categorized myself as a TV addict. I watched a lot of TV series and movies. I downloaded every episode before I bought it on DVD, I watched a lot of movies at the Cinema, and I also sometimes watched re-runs on TV. That’s to show how much I loved them. As you all can imagine, it will pissed me off when a show is on break for several months before returning on fall season. In fact, every TV series in United States does that, except “24” that run continuously for 24 episodes.

The thing about TV series is that it could get really boring without twist at the middle of the season. That is why a lot of TV series doesn’t survive for a season. Shows like “Smallville” and “24” always keep up the satisfaction because they all have survived for more than 6 seasons and I think it’s really hard because after a couple of seasons, the audience might be bored of the surroundings and characters. That is why it is important to update the story and the characteristics while maintaining the originality of the show.

Moreover, I like series that contains action and suspense compared to shows that focused on love stories because they tends to be slow and boring throughout the seasons. I’m not saying that action series is better than love series, it’s just we all have different taste in stories.

Sometimes I wonder why I watch a lot of this stuff. Well, I only have a simple answer for that, because I like it. Those series that I mentioned above has a very interesting and great story. Not only they covered aspects from love, but also politics in government.

Watching TV certainly has its advantages and its blowback. Watching TV might be informative because sometimes it depicts events that is important in today’s issue.

1 comment:

Christopher Schaberg said...

This post would be stronger if you stuck with one particular show and described the "advantages" and the drawbacks (I think you mean that rather than "blowbacks") involved in watching the series. You tend to use the past tense when you should be using the present tense: instead of "I downloaded every episode before I bought it on DVD, I watched a lot of movies at the Cinema, and I also sometimes watched re-runs on TV."—this should read "I download...I watch...etc." Make sure to proofread your posts, or have a friend proofread them for you. These little mistakes can be caught easily and once you learn what you are doing wrong you won't make the same mistakes again.